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🧱 Short-form masterclass: from broke on a bike to $26,000,000 in 1 year

Today's story is about an agent who had no money, no experience, accumulated $12m in real estate went broke and with a $50 bike changed everything.

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📱 The Short Form Video Expert: From Broke to $26 million in 2 years without cold calling or door knocking

Remember when you were 18, full of dreams and energy? Well, Tyler was no different.

At 18, Tyler Hassman wanted to become an agent, but he was told he was “too young”, so he redirected his focus to real estate investing.

He had no experience, little money, and no clue what he was doing, so he took a bunch of courses & attended events.

This is where he met a mentor who was buying apartment buildings through joint venture partnerships. This is where one person puts in the sweat equity while the other investor puts in the money.

Accumulating $12 million in real estate holdings in Saskatchewan across apartment buildings, and rentals. Yes, in Saskatchewan…

So if he can do it there, it can be done almost anywhere.

However, these high-ticket assets didn't translate into a steady flow of cash.

Have you ever felt like you had everything but nothing at the same time? That was Tyler's life.

A Shift in Strategy

When life gives you lemons, you make lemonade. Seeking cash quickly, Tyler diversified into Airbnb rentals.

So he drove down to Scottsdale, where he started renting properties and managing them through Airbnb.

Later, he expanded to Toronto, Ottawa, Calgary, and eventually Costa Rica, where Tyler and his girlfriend/business partner acquired a significant number of Airbnb units and a hotel.

But when the pandemic hit, Tyler really had to make lemonade out of a completely sour situation.

In what felt like an instant, the pandemic wiped away all of his money and he was forced to leave Costa Rica to come back to the US or he would get stuck…

And it gets worse, he had to leave his properties and essentially start from zero…

So, surprisingly undeterred, he decided to relocate to the vibrant city of Calgary, where he spent a year consulting for other real estate investors, while simultaneously running an Airbnb company, and acquiring more units.

This journey led him back to his original ambition, finally becoming a real estate agent at 25.

💰 Tyler Hassman’s $26M in 1 Year Journey into Real Estate

So our man went back to the drawing board and decided he was going to be different than other agents he encounter.

He jotted down all the things that irritated him as a buyer and decided to tackle them head-on.

Not one to blend in, Tyler decided to put on a hat instead of a suit and ride into the wild west of real estate.

From Pedaling to Profits.

Picture this: a young real estate agent, with no car, pedaling around on a $50 bike from Facebook Marketplace. Sounds like a scene from a sitcom, right? But that was Tyler's life for a while.

There were days when he was on the verge of tears, and giving up seemed like the easy way out. But, instead of throwing in the towel, he looked at the big picture.

His mantra? Consistency and perseverance. No matter how low he felt, he kept going.

This Is Not Your Average TikToker.

Here's the juicy part of our story. Tyler saw an opportunity where others saw a fad.

While his peers were pouring money into high-end YouTube videos and drone shots, he took a gamble on TikTok.

The best part? He used his phone and filmed short video tours, one house at a time.

And getting access to properties to film wasn't a walk in the park. Many agents slammed the door on his face.

But did Tyler fold? Nope.

Consistency is Key to Video

Have you ever started a new health routine in the New Year? Go at it for a week, and then just...stop? We've all been there.

But, in the world of social media and marketing, consistency is king. Tyler understood this.

He posted practically every single day (Yes, 352 videos to be exact), whether he felt like it or not.

His inspiration? The idea of committing to a decision for a set period of time.

It's like signing up for a 30-day fitness challenge but for real estate.

🤳 A Masterclass in Short-Form Home Tours

In his first 6 months as an agent, over 600 leads and a cool $100,000+ in commission, all with $0 spent on marketing.

Now, you're probably sitting there, thinking, "How on earth did he do that?" Well, strap in, my friends, because we're about to find out!

PART 1: The Approach 🚀

What's the secret sauce? What makes Tyler stand out in the crowded world of real estate? It's simple - he provides value while being different and entertaining.

Now, I can already hear you saying, "But I've tried video content. It doesn't work!" Well, have you tried to showcase the "wow" factors of the properties you're selling?

Have you made sure that every three seconds of your video count? Tyler sure did. (Read the book Hook Point for more)

In a world full of traditional walk-throughs, Tyler's videos stand out.

Tyler advises honing in on particular kinds of properties, such as:

  • budget-friendly housing
  • high-end residences
  • lofts
  • condominiums
  • single-family homes
  • homes in specific locations
  • properties with unique features.

Initially, Tyler focused on budget-friendly housing because of the dynamics of Calgary's real estate market. Compared to larger Canadian cities like Toronto or Vancouver, properties in Calgary are considerably more affordable.

He discovered that his viewers were more drawn to economical choices like condominiums or single-family homes rather than luxury residences.

Tyler tends to film show homes or builder's model homes since they're often professionally staged, open for filming, and the builders generally welcome the free promotion.

In addition, Tyler suggests filming unoccupied properties listed by real estate agents as they can be accessed more conveniently without inconveniencing tenants or homeowners.

PART 2: The Tools 🛠️

You don't need a million dollar budget to make a big impact. Tyler's primary tool? His iPhone!

  • Paired with a DJI Gimbal for stabilization and sometimes a 360 camera, he's proving that you don't need fancy equipment to produce quality content.
  • He would even shoot in 0.5 zoom, fish eye lens, to showcase more of the property.

You know the saying, "The best camera is the one you have with you"? Well, turns out it's true!

PART 3: The Strategy 🧭

How about we peek behind the curtain and see how the magic happens?

When preparation meets opportunity:

  • Knowing how to WOW a viewer and keep them engaged is crucial in a 3 second world.
  • Plans his tours meticulously, highlighting the exciting aspects first and leaving the mundane parts out.
  • He focuses on only describing the properties main features. He isn't just shooting random video clips like the 2nd bathroom or 2nd bedrooms.
  • While shooting he focuses on smooth footage by walking slowly and avoiding quick, disorienting movements.
  • Tyler writes out a script before he records his voiceovers. This helps him ensure he covers all points he wants to touch upon, and it also makes the editing process smoother. And he records the voiceover all in one take to make editing easier.

So how does he hook the viewers?

Here’s some of his most common hooks:

  • For $[LUXURYPRICE] this [CITY] home comes with [SHOCKING FEATURE]
  • This is what you can get for just $[PRICE] in [LOCATION]. Let’s check it out!
  • Starting in the $[PRICE] range, this is what you can get in [LOCATION] with [BUILDER]
  • Come for a tour of this $[PRICE] [CITY] home that comes with [UNIQUE FEATURE]. Let’s go check it out
  • Guess the price

Keeping viewers engaged with strategic pricing:

Hassman is strategic about when and how he reveals the price of a property. If a property seems underpriced based on its appearance, he would highlight the price as it shocks viewers, making the property more memorable.

For properties that may seem overpriced, he tends to make it a game, asking viewers to guess the price.

He even speeds up less interesting parts of the footage and slows down more visually compelling sections in his editing.

💻 Tyler’s Capcut editing process:

  1. Video Clips: He starts with an intro clip followed by a secondary clip that gives a full tour of the property. These clips have not yet been edited. He suggests that new clips can be added by clicking on the plus icon on the right side of the screen.
  2. Trimming: He trims the start of the video to begin from when he starts speaking, but he keeps a quick intro showing the house before he begins talking.
  3. Splitting: To do this, he selects the clip and uses the "split" function found at the bottom left. This splits the video into two separate clips.
  4. Zooming In: He zooms into the clips for better visibility and ease of editing.
  5. Audio and Speed Adjustments: Tyler mutes the intro clip to eliminate any unnecessary sounds. He then adjusts the speed of the clip to twice its original speed. This makes the intro quick, silent, and smooth, leading directly into the segment where he begins talking.
  6. Muting and Speeding up Unimportant Segments: Throughout the video, he mutes and increases the speed of clips that he thinks are less critical or that take too long, such as walking up to the door.
  7. Combining Clips: Sometimes, Tyler has to combine different clips to create a seamless video. For instance, he might accidentally film the wrong room or miss filming some parts of the house. In these cases, he carefully pairs the different clips together, ensuring that the transition between them appears smooth.
  8. Speed Adjustments for Emphasis: Tyler uses speed adjustments to emphasize different parts of the video. He speeds up less important or visually boring parts of the video, while slowing down clips that showcase interesting or visually appealing elements of the property.
  9. Adding Captions: He uses the auto captions feature in Cap Cuts, editing them as needed for accuracy and clarity. He also changes the font, size, and position of the captions for readability.
  10. Adding Voiceovers: If he didn't talk during the filming of the video, Tyler adds a voiceover by holding down the microphone button and speaking.
  11. Exporting the Video: Finally, Tyler suggests exporting the video in the highest available resolution and frame rate (he suggests 2K or 4K at 60 frames per second).

Video won’t always be fun & successful. Tyler’s advice🔑:

  1. Be authentic and don’t fear imperfection
  2. Consistency above everything even when you don’t want to
  3. Preparation makes execution easier
  4. Practice and improve
  5. Analyze your performance
  6. Collaborate and learn from others
  7. Dive deep in your market & the game so you can stay ahead of trends

PART 4: The Results 🏆

So is it worth it? I let the numbers answer that:

  • 600+ Leads
  • 18 Deals Closed
  • $5,468,937 Volume
  • $100,000+ Commission
  • $0 Spent

And it gets better. His first year:

  • 62 transactions
  • $26,000,000 Volume
  • Avg. 4 listings per month
  • All from only short-form videos, 352 to be exact. (1x a day)

💎 Lessons and Tips from Tyler's Success

Tyler's success provides several key lessons:

  1. Consistency: One of the key pillars of Tyler's success strategy is consistency. He emphasized the importance of posting daily. Despite initially experiencing slow growth, with only 800 followers after seven months of daily posting on YouTube, he noted a significant spike in viewership within a week. He believes his continued success will be attributed to the foundation built during these early, seemingly unrewarding, stages of content creation.
  2. Understanding the Audience and Content Focus: Tyler highlighted the importance of understanding what resonates with the audience and focusing on that type of content. For him, home tours are the most viewed content and generate the most leads. Despite the variety of content he could produce, he focused on what worked best. In his words, “Why do you only do home tours? Because it's the most viewed and generates the most leads."
  3. WOW the Viewer: Tyler emphasized the importance of immediately grabbing viewers' attention by showing the most attractive parts of a property first, and then covering the rest. He called it “getting to the sexy first." Only show the main features, learn speed up & slow down, and understand pacing. He also stressed on choosing the right background and getting a good angle on the house using techniques like standing across the street to capture the entire property in one shot.
  4. Leveraging the Social Media Algorithms: He shared his experiences with various social media platforms. While YouTube and Instagram have rewarded his consistency, TikTok's response was more volatile with views ranging from a million to as few as 500 for different videos. He suggested that a consistent theme, such as home tours, could help the TikTok algorithm boost viewership.
  5. Learning and Adapting: He also emphasized the importance of learning and adapting. He talked about testing different filming techniques, reviewing them, and making changes for future videos. This continuous loop of testing, learning, and adapting has been crucial to his success.

🧱 An Unfiltered Conversation with NY's #1 Mortgage Lender (Top 10 in US) | Brian Scott Cohen

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Meet Brian Scott Cohen. This is an unfiltered conversation with Brian Scott Cohen, NY's #1 mortgage lender, top 10 in the US, and the most reachable mortgage lender in NY with over $6 billion in loans & 9,000 homeowners served.

In this conversation, we discuss:

  • 00:00 - intro
  • 02:15 - his story after 19 years
  • 07:34 - 19,000+ TikTok followers: embracing digital
  • 10:25 - overcoming tough markets
  • 16:54 - high volume but high touch
  • 22:55 - work life integration as a high performer
  • 25:38 - over prioritizing communication
  • 32:08 - becoming the knowledge broker
  • 34:36 - meeting & working with Ryan Serhant for 15 years
  • 40:25 - Brian's secrets for long lasting relationships
  • 46:23 - educating & expanding into new markets
  • 57:06 - world class leadership
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🧱 Short-form masterclass: from broke on a bike to $26,000,000 in 1 year

Andrew is the Tim Ferriss of Real Estate