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šŸ§± Luxury listing masterclass: From $200k to $300M every year with only 2 assistants

Today's story is about a leader who's high end was $200,000 but now is the #1 agent in the world selling $300M with only 2 assistants. Here's how:

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šŸ  Luxury Listing Masterclass: from $200k listings to $300 million every year with only 2 assistants

At 23, Jordan entered real estate when ā€œolder women dominated.ā€

ā€œI was a terrible student, graduated with a 2.05 GPA, and cheated my way through college. My only skill was my personality,ā€ he admits.

He wore cheap suits. Failed his first 2 pitches.

And for 6 months, he practiced his pitch every night.

His girlfriend (now wife) can confirm he never watched TV.

Over the years, Jordan went to 50+ seminars, but realized he needed to create his own pitch.

And for 7 years, Jordanā€™s homes averaged under $200,000.

So, what changed? Jordan got a shot at helping an athlete purchase a (his first) million-dollar home in Westlake, California.

Thatā€™s where Jordanā€™s luxury listing story beginsā€¦

From that moment, he knew needed to pack everything up and go all in on Westlake.

So he discussed it with his wife, and she said yes!

And they uprooted their entire lives, while Jordan left his entire business to move there.

šŸ‘‘ The Listing King of Westlake was Born

But he didnā€™t start with nothing, ā€œI was armed with what I feel is the most important strategy, the most important skill set a real estate agent can have, which is a powerful dynamic listing presentation.ā€

So thatā€™s what weā€™re going to dive deep intoā€¦

How did Jordan break into luxury from zero?

How does he sell $300,000,000 every year without fail and with only 2 assistants?

And why does he say, ā€œI donā€™t work with sellers. I work for them.ā€

Jordan just launched the bestseller book, ā€œThe Agentā€™s Edge: Secret Strategies to Win Listings and Make Your Fortune Selling Real Estateā€ which reveals everything about his business, so Iā€™m going to dive into those a bit & my takeaways from watching hours & hours of his interviews.

"I'm a realtor. I sell every day. I'm not a trainer. So i'm in the trenches and giving out information."


After helping his celebrity client with their million-dollar purchase, Jordan realized the other agents in Westlake werenā€™t really any better or different than him.

"If these people can sell million-dollar homes, I think I could do it too."

So he knew he had to do the same thing he did earlier in his career. He had to master the product.

The first difference is that Jordan views each listing as its own business.

He is the CEO. And the seller is the chairman of the board.

Thatā€™s why Jordan never says ā€˜List with Jordan Cohen,' ever.

I say, ā€˜Interview Jordan Cohen, you'll be glad you did."ā€˜

šŸ’° $300M Listing Presentation

The job of a realtor is to ā€œmaximize the exposure of the home to get as many people as possible, and then have the most confidence in negotiating on your behalf.ā€

šŸ§  This is the Jordan Cohen mindset:

Importance of strong listing presentation: "If you don't have a great listening presentation, I like to say a powerful, an ā€˜I can't lose listening presentationā€™ if you don't have the confidence in yourself and have that skill set, then real estate's not very fun."

Removing NO from the table: "My goal on every listing to have the seller not WANT to hire me but feel they NEED to hire me to accomplish their goal. My presentation is also geared towards answering every common question that we always get before it comes up.ā€

Investing in selling their home: "I say I will INVEST in this thing; I never say SPEND money. When I say something to a seller, I don't say, I'm going to spend money on this or this. I say invest. It's an investment."

Being proactive & eager: "I push to try to go first. I want them to list with me and cancel everybody else."

Emphasizing the importance of self-confidence and a winning mindset: "The most important skill set that I talk a lot aboutā€¦ is the ability to compete and win."

Now you might see why Kobe worked with himā€¦

šŸ’µ So how does Jordan handle pricing?

"Everybody wants more than fair market value. I always say right to their faceā€¦ I want to get YOUR PRICE or more."

šŸ“± But what about marketing?

ā€œI established credibility by being the number one agent, but don't hire me because of that. Hire me because of what I'm going to do FOR YOU.ā€

He always ties everything in his listing presentation back to how it will help them sell THEIR home.

"Your house is my star. I'm going to take all day, every day, promoting your house to get your house sold."

"A lot of real estate agents forget about that.ā€

Jordan went from selling $200,000 homes to consistently selling multi-million dollar properties because, instead of passive marketing, he takes an aggressive approach to marketing his listings.

šŸ§° Listing Marketing Toolbox

He considers all of his marketing as tools in his toolbox. Meaning he can pick and choose depending on whatā€™s needed for each situation.

"I don't put my picture on anything. I don't put my picture on any mail or any cards or any print marketing because I wanted to use that kind of language to be able to say, 'It's not about me, it's about the house.'"

He doesn't focus on talking about listing properties on platforms like Zillow because he considers that a given part of the job. Instead, he focuses on presenting the things he does differently.

Jordanā€™s listings get the full treatment:

  • carefully curated, custom photography: he chooses the perfect angles, the right photos, and organizes them differently.
  • unique, non-traditional listing descriptions: he doesnā€™t use ChatGPT or generic real estate words like spacious, ample, etc.
  • full page brochures: using bigger brochures than his competition, he highlights the best photos in a huge way making them pop & bullet points to keep the wording simple so you want more.
  • print ads: heā€™ll carefully select magazines, newspapers, and other sources where he consistently advertises.
  • mailed just listed & just sold brochures: heā€™ll mail 300-500+ to his sphere of influence, past clients, relocation companies, relocation agents, the neighborhood, etc.
  • high-quality video: his Reels are not normal listing videos.
  • smart social media content: If you check out his Instagram youā€™ll immediately see his difference. He doesnā€™t market himself. He markets his listings.
  • making calls like an agent: he views himself as a sports agent. He goes to work for clients to try and find them opportunities using his network.
  • open houses: while he built his business with open houses, he actually sells clients off them now saying they affect showings & his ability to close clients one on one.
  • showings: this is where Jordan shines. He will prescreen & vet buyers to make sure theyā€™re qualified & able. Getting to know the buyer also helps him understand their wants & needs. Heā€™s known to be able to close buyers even when theyā€™re deciding between multiple properties.

He advises seeing each investment you make in marketing a new business opportunity.

He also doesnā€™t waste money on marketing. He gauges if it works or doesnā€™t and will cut and only keep what works. These are just some of his that have proven to work for him.

šŸ”‘ A few quick takeaways:

  • Jordan is relentless at skill acquisition becoming the best at the most crucial skills
  • His laser focus offers a unique opportunity to provide a world-class service
  • He focuses on his client, product, and end consumer, not himself. This separates him from everyone else.
  • His proactive and aggressive approach to marketing focuses on selling homes, not himself. Not surprisingly, this sells him as the expert.
  • Jordan is a people person through and through. Which is why he doesnā€™t hand off clients to a team, he wins listing presentations and closes buyers better than most.

The Agentā€™s Edge is must-read content with more details on Jordanā€™s success. Check it out if you want to learn from the master himself!


šŸ§± An Unfiltered Conversation with NY's #1 Mortgage Lender (Top 10 in US) | Brian Scott Cohen

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Meet Brian Scott Cohen. This is an unfiltered conversation with Brian Scott Cohen, NY's #1 mortgage lender, top 10 in the US, and the most reachable mortgage lender in NY with over $6 billion in loans & 9,000 homeowners served.

In this conversation, we discuss:

  • 00:00 - intro
  • 02:15 - his story after 19 years
  • 07:34 - 19,000+ TikTok followers: embracing digital
  • 10:25 - overcoming tough markets
  • 16:54 - high volume but high touch
  • 22:55 - work life integration as a high performer
  • 25:38 - over prioritizing communication
  • 32:08 - becoming the knowledge broker
  • 34:36 - meeting & working with Ryan Serhant for 15 years
  • 40:25 - Brian's secrets for long lasting relationships
  • 46:23 - educating & expanding into new markets
  • 57:06 - world class leadership
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šŸ§± Luxury listing masterclass: From $200k to $300M every year with only 2 assistants

Andrew is the Tim Ferriss of Real Estate