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👀 $280M Youtube Strategy Revealed, Steal this Harvard Business Framework & My Content Process Outlined

It's here. And it's big... I hinted in the first email last month and it's here!

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It's here. And it's big...I hinted in the first email last month and it's here!

In this week's video on Youtube, I break down Ken Pozek's $280,000,000 Youtube strategy in detail; his content strategy, his storytelling framework, and the 3 core principles I learned from analyzing over 60 videos.

So here's what's in this week's issue:

  • 🔥 What's Working vs What's Not Working in Marketing 🥶:
  • Ken Pozek's $280M Youtube Strategy Revealed: Deep Dive
  • 📝 Inside the Marketing Playbook: Running Plays That Work:
  • The 100-year-old, time-tested, Harvard-proven way to implement Case Studies to increase the deal closing ratio by 70% & sales by 185%
  • 🔗 Marketing Resources + News:
  • 12 Marketing Questions to Ask Religiously Every 6 to 12 Months
  • My Content Creation + Distribution Process
  • And More

🔥 What’s Working vs. What’s Not Working in Marketing 🥶

Without question, it's no secret that short-form videos are the "shiny penny" across almost every major social media platform, but we need to ask ourselves these questions...

  • How long is the shelf life of short form?
  • Would you enjoy keeping up with shooting 20-30 short-form videos a month? or would you prefer to shoot only 4 videos? Which is more sustainable?
  • Is your focus consumers & local? or national?

Now, I'm not saying don't do short form. Short form is the cheapest way to get a mass amount of attention or "underpriced attention" as Gary Vee would say.

But there is a nuance in the real estate industry.

Long-form videos on Youtube have a longer shelf life, are hyper-local plus rank in search for years, and the organic lead potential is simply unmatched when compared to other platforms for a local business like real estate.

Don't stop short-form videos, just consider adding Youtube since it's higher leverage for real estate since videos can rank & be found for 1 to 3+ years after you create them...

Don't take my word for it.

Take the word from Ken Pozek who has built a $280,000,000 team (from under $50M) thanks to his success on Youtube.

🔥 [Long Form Videos: Youtube]

Breaking Down Ken Pozek's $280M Youtube Strategy 🎥

When I found Ken's channel, nearly 2 years ago, I thought he had a good thing going.

I literally wrote an email about him in 2021 talking about his growth to a $50M team in 2020...

And now recently until his explosion from nearly doubling in business in 2021 to $125M and now he's doubling again this year- on pace for $280M.

He averages over 144,000 views & 1,000 subscribers a month...

Just imagine if you had 150,000 people come to your office and learn from you every single month...

So that's why in my Youtube video I decided to break down his content strategy, his video storytelling framework, and the 3 core principles.

Something that I didn't outline exactly how I wanted in the video is the script structure he uses in his videos. I only shared his storytelling framework. So here it is:

  • 1) Hook: grab their attention in the first 3 to 5 seconds.
  • 2) Sets the scene (build up the viewer): introduce conflict and/or curiosity to retain attention. This usually lasts about 30 secs to 1 min.
  • Many YouTubers do this by opening "curiosity loops" meaning they say things like "if you stay until the end...", "we'll get to that in a minute/later" or there's more subtle ways of doing it as he did in his Winter Garden video.
  • A secret retention trick he uses that many of the best YouTubers use is called "internal dialogue", this means he vocalizes what a viewer is thinking, allowing them to feel part of the story rather than like you're talking at them.
  • 3) Transition/Introduction: cinematic B-roll
  • *some YouTubers use this time to make an introduction or a soft call to action like Like + Subscribe.
  • 4) History/Anthropology/Current state: start the story or give backstory for context.
  • 5) Main selling points or main questions: retain their attention by answering the main points of the video.
  • 6) Resolution: save the best for last... resolve any conflicts or curiosity loops at the end. This is the secret retention hack to get people to watch until the end of the video.
  • *Best Youtube CTA: "If you enjoyed this video you might like this one over here... because... (make it relate) Thank you so much for watching and I will see you in the next one!"
  • You can also insert a CTA like he does saying if you're looking to

And I didn't talk about how much his love & passion for Disney shines through in his videos. I mentioned it, but it deserved its own section.

It is quite literally one of the few, biggest, reasons I believe he attracts clients at scale on Youtube because of one simple word "affinity."

Affinity is...

So how could you implement this?

First, use that 6 part script and you can create an outline in a word doc or Notion with Hook, Set the Scene, Value/Maint Points, End,

Then, you could ask yourself these simple questions.

*From Austin Schneider

  • Write down 10 things that are facts about YOU
  • Now, simplify those to the 5 you want to be known for
  • And ask yourself could any of those 5 be affinity pieces for others to connect with?

And if you want to watch the full video breakdown you can check it out on Youtube!

📝 Inside the Marketing Playbook: Running Plays That Work: Case Studies

Did you know the Harvard Business School pioneered the use of case studies to teach management in 1921?

And even Neil Patel who runs multiple 8-figure businesses and just acquired AnswerThePublic said this about case studies:

I’ve personally used case studies in my emails to increase my deal closing ratio by 70%. Overall, by testing 3 case studies here at, my sales grew by 185% (although my aim was just to increase the number of leads I generate).

Neil Patel

Alex Hormozi ($100M business owner who's sold multiple businesses for 8-figures) has defined marketing in 3 levels:

  1. Level 1 - Personal brand-focused marketing
  2. Level 2 - Client-focused marketing
  3. Level 3 - Data-driven focused marketing

And guess what happens when you leverage case studies? You leverage level 2 and 3.

So how do we use them in our business?

Just sold posts come off as bragging and provide 0 value. And only about 1% of clients will do a client testimonial...

So case studies are 1 of 2 ways to show the success of clients without bragging + provide value and without requiring client involvement.

The Simplified Story Formula

1. The Beginning

  • What were they moving from?
  • Why were they moving from it? And why now?
  • What were they moving to?
  • And why?

Think like this…

  • What was their current living situation - why move?
  • And what is their future living situation? And why?
  • And any past experiences/disappointments and current/future concerns?

Set the stage/scene and spark the emotions. Start with common problems others’ may face.

2. Middle

This is the explosion of what’s normal - the moment things change (catalyst)

  1. Bumps in the road, highs & lows… What hurdles, obstacles, struggles did you help them overcome?
  2. How’d you save them time/Reduce time delay…?
  3. How’d you reduce energy/effort/sacrifice?

3. End

  1. The result you helped them achieve?
  2. Likelihood of achieving - credibility statement

What could you say they could help other people who may be in their shoes? What message do you/can you convey?

How does it benefit other buyers or sellers reading this story? Could you provide a lesson, steps, process, checklist or a simplified tangible takeaway they could benefit from?

And remember to use the 4 essential elements of a story, from the book Stories That Stick by Kindra Hall…

  1. Identifiable Characters
  2. Authentic Emotions
  3. Specific moment
  4. Specific details

🔗 Marketing Resources + News

12 questions to ask ourselves about our marketing every 6 to 12 months. *From the CMO of Compass, Matt Spangler

My 6 step content process & 7 step distribution/repurposing process outlined.

How to stop posting real estate porn and start posting valuable content you'll enjoy making.

How to paint the media as the villain to spark more comments and get more views when talking about the Housing Market

If you aren't following Jimmy Mackin on Instagram he gives some of the best scripts in the industry that agents can implement immediately.

Reply & let me know more of your questions so I can make sure that I'm not just making stuff out of my head, but answering the questions you actually want.

- Andrew

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P.S. We're hiring a Client Success Manager, if you know of anyone who may be a good fit let me know!

🧱 An Unfiltered Conversation with NY's #1 Mortgage Lender (Top 10 in US) | Brian Scott Cohen

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Meet Brian Scott Cohen. This is an unfiltered conversation with Brian Scott Cohen, NY's #1 mortgage lender, top 10 in the US, and the most reachable mortgage lender in NY with over $6 billion in loans & 9,000 homeowners served.

In this conversation, we discuss:

  • 00:00 - intro
  • 02:15 - his story after 19 years
  • 07:34 - 19,000+ TikTok followers: embracing digital
  • 10:25 - overcoming tough markets
  • 16:54 - high volume but high touch
  • 22:55 - work life integration as a high performer
  • 25:38 - over prioritizing communication
  • 32:08 - becoming the knowledge broker
  • 34:36 - meeting & working with Ryan Serhant for 15 years
  • 40:25 - Brian's secrets for long lasting relationships
  • 46:23 - educating & expanding into new markets
  • 57:06 - world class leadership
Watch Now
👀 $280M Youtube Strategy Revealed, Steal this Harvard Business Framework & My Content Process Outlined

Andrew is the Tim Ferriss of Real Estate