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šŸ§± From Nordstrom's to 7-Figure GCI, April Content Drop & TikTok Ban

This issue I breakdown how exactly how Paige Steckling grew a $30M real estate business by creating engaging listing Reels.

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Happy Sunday!

Hereā€™s some Sunday reading to help you prep for the week and month of April. Weā€™ll continue with the client attraction case studies and I also provide Aprilā€™s monthly content drop!

I hope you find this helpful!

ā€” Andrew

šŸŽ„ From Nordstromā€™s to 7-Figure GCI

Big Picture: Paige Steckling, a Utah-based real estate agent, made a name for herself in a highly competitive market by leveraging Instagram Reels. In 2022, she grew her business to a staggering $30M, nearly $1 million in GCI,because her Reels spoke volumes on listing appointments... hundreds of thousands of views big.

So, this case study explores how Paige achieved this level of success and provides insights into her approach to how she creates engaging Listing Reels.

"I felt like I was hustling for every single dealā€¦

I hate calling people. I hate it. It's tough, it's brutal, it's the worst...

I hated feeling like I was desperate for people to use me.

Or I would be so bummed if like someone I knew didn't go with me.

Now, I'm so grateful that people are coming to me they're just dm'ing me or calling me directly from my contact info and my link in my bio."

- Paige Steckling

Why this matters: In todayā€™s market, clientsā€™ wonder ā€œwhat you will do to market their home? And why are you different from every other agent?ā€ The magic phrase is sales, ā€œshow donā€™t tellā€ explains why instead of having to make your point, wouldnā€™t it be more enjoyable to have a listing presentation like Brad or Paige where you already won the listing before you met them?

ā€œIn my listing appointment now, I have a PowerPoint, and I'm showing 'Hey, here are my views, this is last month, this is this month, and this is how many people are going to see your houseā€¦

My business is based around my Instagram now. I get most of my clients from there. And I'm selling most of my listings on there now too.

I'm getting so much consistent deals from straight from Instagram and straight from TikTok with people literally calling me and saying ā€˜I saw your TikTokā€™ I want to list my house.ā€

- Paige Steckling

Is that not the dream scenario for you?

So, letā€™s break down Paige's Approach to her highly, engaging Listing Reels:

1) A Captivating Hook:

Paige's videos consistently start with a captivating hook that highlights the main selling points within the first few seconds, immediately grabbing your attention.

Often, similar to Brad, sheā€™s said & shown 3-4 HUGE selling points within the first 3-6 seconds.

These are macro benefits like ā€œToday I present to you my newest listing in arguably the best neighborhood in Saratoga Springs the Ridge.

One of my favorite things about this home is the fact that it will never have anything built directly behind it. Itā€™s close proximity to the new Wildflower community that will have tons of walking trails and a huge manmade lake.ā€

Not ā€œfeaturesā€ like Porcelain countertops or her name.

Pro-tip: Stop wasting time by saying your name and focus on the consumer first. Why should they watch the video?

2) Show Donā€™t Tell

Use B-Roll for Visual Storytelling: Rather than just talking about the propertiesā€™ feeatures & benefits, Paige shows them to her audience.

Making the videos more engaging and allowing viewers to visualize themselves in the homes.

3) Keep the Reels Short & Sweet

Fast-paced and Concise: Most of her Reels are between 6 and 30 seconds. But she does have high performing reels that are also 40-60 seconds.

By keeping her videos fast-paced, Paige retains viewer interest while quickly showcasing, ONLY the best features of the properties.

4) Modern Marketing

Fun and Engaging Style: Paige's modern and appealing style resonates with viewers, making her Reels enjoyable to watch.

As Gary Vee would say, ā€œPACā€, Platforms, Attention, and Culture.

Culture. Understanding whatā€™s happening in pop culture and integrating that into the creative.

Paige understands:

  • music & trending audio
  • meme clips
  • todayā€™s editing style with captions, text on screen, transitions, and making every second count
  • making the video for TikTok/Instagram not some long drawn out tour showing every single inch of the houseā€¦ people donā€™t care about the 3rd and 4th bedrooms.

5) You Are Your Brand

Personal Touch: Paige adds a personal touch to her videos by featuring herself at the beginning and end, creating a connection with the audience.

This builds trust with her audience and enables more conversations.

ā€œI think it's important for people to like see your face otherwise your page looks too boring.

Now it's completely changed where I am just almost overwhelmed with business and people are calling me consistently dming me just like I want to sell my house not interviewing anyone else they've like seen all my content and like they're ready to go.ā€

- Paige Steckling

6) Investing in SELLING Listings

ā€œThe advantage of working with me for sellers is how I structure my business.

I spend no money on lead gen because pretty much zero dollars on social media. Everything is organic. Everything's gotten out there automatically.

I'll pay to boost listings, but I put all of my marketing money directly back into my sellers.

A lot of people are spending tens of thousands of dollars on Zillow, which is crazy. Like the agent I worked for and I know a lot of other agents who have teams and they'll spend thousands tens of thousands of dollars on zillow and that's their marketing moneyā€¦ to buy leadsā€¦

I spend zero dollars marketing myself.

Zero dollars on zillow.

But the money I do spend goes directly to my seller.

So they're gonna get out there on my social media, I'm gonna boost their listings directly so not only my following, but everyone you know, every buyer, and agent is gonna know about their home.

I include staging on their home to make it look absolutely perfect, whether I'm using my own staging furniture or I'm hiring a stager.

I'm doing high-end video marketing for every single listing.

So I'm spending way more money than the average agent on every single one of my listings because my marketing money goes directly to my clients, instead of going to buying leads and i get that money back tenfold.

So it benefits my clientsā€

- Paige Steckling

Bottom Line:

Paige went from working at Nordstroms at 25 and just getting into real estate on the side as mom so she could raise her family to growing her real estate business to $30 million in 2022, nearly $1 million in GCI.

When she started with Reel in just eight to nine months, she grew her following from 1,000 to nearly 23,000 followers. Now she has over 57,000 followers and consistently gets 10,000 to 100,000 views, plus has multiple million view videos.

Her 3 main content types are:

  • Home Tours / Listing Reels
  • Green Screen informational & educational Reels, even using Green Screen for listings
  • Short 6-9 second trendy Reels

ā€œI have over to my $2 million under contract right now just from Instagram and TikTok.ā€

- Paige Steckling

If you want to learn more about Paige & learn from her success, then hereā€™s a few Podcasts:

šŸ—“ļø April Monthly Content Drop


In this monthā€™s issue, youā€™ll find a little extra details that hopefully help for context and execution.

I made this one wide ranging with topics; Are 3D printed homes the future? The number 1 reason home prices wonā€™t crash in 2023, The best deals for buyers right now, šŸŒø Is it time? (conversation starter email), and more.

  • the content calendar
  • 8X short-form video topics with exactly what to say
  • 4X long-form video topics with exactly what to say
  • 4X emails you can send
  • digital prospecting checklist
  • content training resources
  • hook library & more

I hope this helps you continue making 2023 a great year by leveling up your marketing game.

šŸ” If TikTok is Banned, then What?

Driving the news, the CEO of TikTok, Shou Zi Chew (aka ā€˜TikTok Daddyā€™ or ā€˜Zaddyā€™) met with Congress this past week about data privacy concerns and became a meme overnight with Gen-Z.

Why this matters: Whether heā€™s right or wrong or if TikTok is good or bad, as marketers all that matters is attention. Currently, and for the past 3-4 years, TikTok as amassed the Worldā€™s attention and creating an undeniable competitor to Instagram (Meta) and even created some. concern for Google. (now ChatGPT is their main concern)

So whatā€™s next? If TikTok is banned then we will see creators feel to YouTube Shorts and Instagram Reels even more. But the likelihood of it being outright banned isnā€™t the ā€œmost probableā€ outcome because they would sell it off or

Iā€™ve mentioned this in previous issues, and Iā€™ve also brought up TikToks American app, Lemon8 which skyrocketed to top 10 in the app download charts this week.

Personally Iā€™ve tried Lemon8, and I donā€™t love it. It feels like a shopping app thatā€™s pushing and promoting products. But theyā€™re a smart company so it will likely evolve.

Bottom line: In other countries like India where TikTok is already banned, 1 platform emerged over the rest, YouTube.

Success stories like Mr. Beast and Logan Paul donā€™t happen, as often or as big, on Instagram. So as the #2 search engine, itā€™s likely YouTube will take the crown from TikTok.

šŸŽ™ļø x šŸŽ„ Stories Worth Learning:

šŸ¦ Leaders Worth Following:

šŸ“ In Case You Missed It:

  • Last Weekā€™s Issue about $100M from World-Class Listing Videos, YouTube is Dominating Podcasts & 2023 Social Trends

That's it for today! See you next week!

If you have any questions, then reply & let me know so I can make sure that I'm not just making stuff out of my head, but answering the questions you care about!

Let's have an amazing week!

Andrew Bayon

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šŸ§± An Unfiltered Conversation with NY's #1 Mortgage Lender (Top 10 in US) | Brian Scott Cohen

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Meet Brian Scott Cohen. This is an unfiltered conversation with Brian Scott Cohen, NY's #1 mortgage lender, top 10 in the US, and the most reachable mortgage lender in NY with over $6 billion in loans & 9,000 homeowners served.

In this conversation, we discuss:

  • 00:00 - intro
  • 02:15 - his story after 19 years
  • 07:34 - 19,000+ TikTok followers: embracing digital
  • 10:25 - overcoming tough markets
  • 16:54 - high volume but high touch
  • 22:55 - work life integration as a high performer
  • 25:38 - over prioritizing communication
  • 32:08 - becoming the knowledge broker
  • 34:36 - meeting & working with Ryan Serhant for 15 years
  • 40:25 - Brian's secrets for long lasting relationships
  • 46:23 - educating & expanding into new markets
  • 57:06 - world class leadership
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šŸ§± From Nordstrom's to 7-Figure GCI, April Content Drop & TikTok Ban

Andrew is the Tim Ferriss of Real Estate