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🧱 From Zero to $6M in GCI, Turning zero ideas into a video script using ChatGPT, Building a 9-Figure Brand & more!

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This issue is full of info about building a 7-figure real estate business, how to leverage AI, and building a brand in 2023, so I hope you enjoy it!

Here's what you can expect today:

  • 📈 From Zero to $6M in GCI: The Art of Creating Your Own Market 2x like Ken Pozek
  • 🤖 Fad or Future? Turning zero ideas into a video script using ChatGPT
  • 🥤 How Logan Paul Built Prime to $250M Brand in 1 year
  • 🔥 Ryan Serhant: The 2023 Housing Crash, Billionaires Exposed, Selling Everything, plus more leaders to watch, listen & follow!

I hope you enjoy this one! Let me know!


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📈 From Zero to $6M in GCI: The Art of Creating Your Own Market 2x like Ken Pozek

I bet you didn’t know that Ken Pozek went from shoveling feces in a bank-owned house & struggling in 2008 to making his first $1,000,000 in GCI by 2015, but then he moved to Orlando in 2016 and had to start from zero all over again. However, this time he reached $1M in 2 years and $6M in 5 years. But how did he do it?

Ken started in real estate at 18 where he used his graduation money to buy homes, and by 21 he flipped 13 homes.

But when 2008 came things changed and he had to look for a new opportunity. So he would make 40+ calls a day to Wells Fargo, Chase, and other Asset Managers to try and list their homes.

It took him a year before he finally was able to get an opportunity with one investor’s portfolio. Which he helped sell for a bit.

And then the market shifted again. So he had to stop selling bank-owned homes & find a way to work with traditional buyers & sellers.

So he created his own market: His wife, Holly, and he took their kids and rented around Northville so they could send their kids to the best schools. By moving to a wealthier part of Detroit he immersed himself in the market he wanted to work in.

As a result: He started working with top CEOs and athletes in Detroit which helped him grow to $1,000,000 in GCI in 2015 by providing value consistently:

My approach is very profitable and low stress – my overhead is very low, and it’s a different strategy than trying to be a ‘mega team’

Ken Pozek

  • Building his database by being online with videos, his website, creating local connections with businesses, builders, etc., and networking in his community. Then putting them into his farm/database.
  • Working his database by creating educational videos 2x a month, mailing postcards 2x a month, and much more.

I focus on a very small community of homes – our real estate market is very competitive. I want to be known as the ‘community manager’ with the highest level of neighborhood-specific advice.

Ken Pozek

Starting from zero in a new market again: After coming to the decision that Detroit was no longer fulfilling what they wanted, they moved to Orlando. So he had to start from zero in a brand-new market all over again:

  • Built his database
  • Started creating relationships
  • Networking with other agents
  • Immersing himself in the Orlando market
  • And starting his YouTube channel shooting 100 model home tours in 100 days

New YouTube Strategy: He later came to find out that those videos were not as effective so he switched his YouTube to 3 buckets:

  • Living in Orlando
  • Moving to Orlando
  • Coming soon to Orlando

Bottom Line: Now, he has over 35,000 subscribers and built a highly profitable $244M business by understanding:

  1. How to create his own market
  2. How to build his database
  3. How to work his database

And even though YouTube generates 40% of his $6M GCI business, there’s a major portion that's created from everything else he's mastered with building & working his database.

If you want to learn Ken's entire YouTube strategy, then watch my YouTube video where I break it down completely.

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🤖 Fad or Future? Turning zero ideas into a video script using ChatGPT

View more prompts

Is AI the future or the fad? Here's what I’ve been learning, and what you can copy + paste into your real estate business.

I've been using AI, Jasper, since he came out as one of its first users back when it was Jarvis... In 2021, Dave Rogenmoser launched it to a small group of a couple hundred digital marketers, copywriters, and tech enthusiasts.

However, I’ve been using AI significantly more in the last 2 weeks & 2 months than I used over these last 2 years.

As you can see I even stopped paying for Jasper when ChatGPT was released...

Why this matters: I remain silent on subjects I don’t know much about because I’m always testing so things don’t always work out.

But now it’s reached a point where it is significantly better and practical to use.

This is a signal for me plus the fact that OpenAI & ChatGPT are only giving us its limited current version. So the new GPT-4 could be a game-changer, why not prepare now?

Yes but: We’ve reached the point in the AI debate where people are now concerned and pushing back against it saying...

"AI is a threat to humans..."

This in some respects is true, but if there’s one thing we’ve learned over the last 20 years with Kodak, Blockbuster, and Taxis is that whenever someone says, “[new thing] will never replace [current scenario]” don’t age well.

The Details: So how can you leverage ChatGPT in your business?

AI won’t replace your marketing person or a copywriter, but it will increase your output. *If used correctly.

Current common mistakes we all make:

  1. Outsourcing ideas
  2. Not being specific about what you want
  3. Failing to "train" the AI with examples

Better prompts create better outputs. Use prompts intentionally and go deeper with each one.

Going Deeper: What makes a great prompt?

  • Simulate Persona
  • Task
  • Steps to complete
  • Context / Constraints
  • Goal
  • Format Output


The prompt had seven key characteristics:

  • A defined role for AI: the more context ChatGPT has about the role it’s playing, the better. At the top of your prompt, tell it who it is and what its role is to help it to understand what information matters most.
  • Information on the target learners’ demographics & ZPD, e.g. age, subject area, level of understanding & ability: by giving ChatGPT information about your learners, it is better able to generate outputs which are relevant to them.
  • Domain expertise, i.e. instructional strategy info: by sharing your domain expertise with ChatGPY - in this case what Undoing is & how it differs from quizzes - you get on the same page and deter ChatGPT from defaulting to the most common rather than most effective approaches. E.g. without the Undoing intel, ChatGPT will default to basic quiz similar to a tool like Yippity.
  • A title & topic: Chat GPT likes structure. By adding a title and topic, we draw ChatGPT’s focus to what sorts of information matters most.
  • An example: examples are a great way of creating a shared understanding of what good looks like both in terms of structure and content.
  • A clearly specified task: provide clear instructions on what you want ChatGPT to do and how.
  • A clearly defined output: tell ChatGPT both what you want and how you want it to present it.

But you don’t need mega prompts to get you off the ground.

Complexity is the enemy of execution.

Simple scales.

View more prompts

But because this is turning into a longer post, you can view the 13+ prompts & images that produced the script below on my public Notion site.

View all 13+ images & prompts now

In case you missed it: Better prompts = better outputs.

AI can take you from 0 to 60-80% but then you need a person to take you across the finish line.

  • Check out the free AIPRM Chrome Extension tool for saving prompts and templates + using their library.
  • Use Originality AI to be your plagiarism & AI detector
  • Leverage human to make improvements with Grammarly (the best online writing assistant) + Hemingway (simplify to 3rd grade language & make your writing bold & clear)

And marketing is only 1 use for ChatGPT. It can be used for a VAST range of things:

  • job descriptions
  • emails
  • outbound prospecting scripts
  • training
  • text summarization
  • answering questions
  • personal use
  • learning skills,
  • Etc. nearly every department in a business can leverage it

If you want a free resource, BAM x Chris Smith came out with a downloadable 38-page AI tools guide.

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🥤 How Logan Paul Built Prime to a $250M Brand in 1 year

In 2015, John Green told 2,400 advertising executives that creators are "building a world where they don't have to depend on advertisers."

In 2022, Mr. Beast built a multi-billion dollar valuation from his YouTube channel.

But now in 2023, Prime:

  • Became the first Creator led brand to have a Super Bowl commercial
  • Became the 6th largest brand in its category with over $250,000,000 in sales
  • And replaced Coca-Cola's BodyArmor as the official sports drink of the UFC

In the words of Brendan Gahan, Partner & Chief Social Officer at Mekanism ($50M+ Ad Agency), in his 1-2-1 email:

Creators are building massive businesses. Brands that support creators will reap the rewards.

Brendan Gahan

And, if we don't...

Then in the words of John Green,

Brands will lose relevance with an entire generation of people who look to video not just for distraction, but also for engagement and connection.

John Green

Logan Paul & KSI (both massive YouTubers) went big promoting Prime with a unique marketing approach:

  1. Built an audience and brand: With over 400 million followers, Logan Paul & KSI Launched Prime around their rivalry boxing match
  2. Unique marketing campaigns that stand out: Created Mr. Beast level marketing campaigns like Logan's friend jumping out of a helicopter without a parachute yelling "Drink Prime" and a monkey stealing his bottle in South Africa.
  3. Massive partnerships: Premier League club Arsenal, MBM Motorsports in NASCAR, 2,000 GNC retail stores nationwide, Walmart, Aldi, Publix, and the UFC
  4. Product placement: Throughout everything Logan did for the entire year, Impaulsive Podcast, Speaking events like VeeCon, etc. He was ALWAYS drinking a Prime in hand.

The bottom line: What we can learn from these massive creators is that building a brand and an audience is one of the most valuable assets a business can have in 2023.

As Alex Hormozi says,

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🎙️ x 🎥 Stories Worth Learning:

🐦 Leaders Worth Following:

📝 In Case You Missed It:

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That's it for today! See you next week!

If you have any questions then reply & let me know so I can make sure that I'm not just making stuff out of my head, but answering the questions you care about!

Let's have an amazing week!

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Andrew Bayon

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🧱 An Unfiltered Conversation with NY's #1 Mortgage Lender (Top 10 in US) | Brian Scott Cohen

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Meet Brian Scott Cohen. This is an unfiltered conversation with Brian Scott Cohen, NY's #1 mortgage lender, top 10 in the US, and the most reachable mortgage lender in NY with over $6 billion in loans & 9,000 homeowners served.

In this conversation, we discuss:

  • 00:00 - intro
  • 02:15 - his story after 19 years
  • 07:34 - 19,000+ TikTok followers: embracing digital
  • 10:25 - overcoming tough markets
  • 16:54 - high volume but high touch
  • 22:55 - work life integration as a high performer
  • 25:38 - over prioritizing communication
  • 32:08 - becoming the knowledge broker
  • 34:36 - meeting & working with Ryan Serhant for 15 years
  • 40:25 - Brian's secrets for long lasting relationships
  • 46:23 - educating & expanding into new markets
  • 57:06 - world class leadership
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🧱 From Zero to $6M in GCI, Turning zero ideas into a video script using ChatGPT, Building a 9-Figure Brand & more!

Andrew is the Tim Ferriss of Real Estate