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Breaking and Building Leaders

Here's what you can expect: February's monthly content drop, Youtube vs. Podcasts, lessons from Ryan Pineda & from 0 subscribers to acquisition in 10 months.

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The experts we admire don’t look in real estate for inspiration and neither should we.

Industries often become a rip-off & duplicate model where everybody copies everybody. It's good to get us started but the greatest Leaders lead, they don’t follow.

This is the essence of this week’s newsletter and even though I’ve been hidden in the lab on a few projects, hopefully, what starts to show up across social from me shows why.

Here's what you can expect today:

  • February's Monthly Content Drop
  • 15 Million Active Youtube Channels vs. 450,000 Active Podcasts
  • Lessons from Ryan Pineda
  • From 0 emails subscribers to Acquisition in 10 Months

I heard a great quote recently I’ll leave you with, “The general rule of thumb is the taller the building is, the stronger the foundation needs to be.”

In life sometimes we have to slow down to speed up, and it’s okay.


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February's Monthly Content Drop

free monthly content drop

How helpful would it be if you didn’t have to think about what to post about & what to say on video? This is the first of many monthly content drops to come.

Included in this month:

  • 4x evergreen real estate reels (with exactly what to say for the hook & bullet points)
  • 4x news-worthy green-screen reels (with exactly what to say for the hook & bullet points)
  • 4x highest performing neighborhood videos for YouTube or Short Form Reels/TikToks (with exactly what to say for the hook & bullet points)
  • 4x emails you can send (how to do a newsletter + 2x emails to drive conversations)
  • Plus some extra bonuses: Digital Prospecting Checklist, Digital Prospecting Scripts (ex. CMA-a-day), Content training (content process, video structure, shooting & editing a video in 10 mins for only $10 and more), 150 Swipe & Steal Hooks for inspiration: exactly what to say at the beginning of a video to grab people’s attention

The goal was to take thinking out of content creation and make it easier to execute.

Because the threat to real estate isn’t big tech…

In 2023, there’s 60% more Realtors working on the same amount of transactions, meanwhile, the top 10-20% of agents will consume 60-80% of the transactions.

Source: Jimmy Mackin with Curaytor

The great will be good, and the good will be gone.

So if you want to build your personal brand in 2023 grab February's free monthly content drop now.

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15 Million Active YouTube Channels vs. 450,000 Active Podcasts

There’s endless things you can do to build your brand in 2023. TikTok. Instagram. YouTube. Podcasts. Blogs. Newsletters.

I was at Ryan Pineda's event in January, his businesses do millions a month & he's grown a massive social media following in the last few years, and he mentioned the difference between his TikTok & his YouTube/Podcast followers.

He mentioned that when him & his wife Mindy are walking around Vegas and someone who notices him, he knows exactly where they see his content by their initial reaction.

When someone from TikTok sees him they can't say his name or remember where they've seen him. His 1.2 million followers on TikTok barely know who he is.

But when a follower of his Podcast or Youtube channel sees, they know exactly who he is and they will tell him what videos or shows they've seen and be so enthusiastic to meet him. His 286k-subscriber YouTube channel drives way more business.

This leads to the question is Youtube or Podcasting still worth it in 2023?

There's +51 million YouTube channels, but there's only 15 million active content creators posting consistently.

Meanwhile, there's nearly 4 million Podcasts but only about 450,000 are actually active.

Youtube Vs. Podcasting

The simple question to ask yourself is, "consumer or business" focused?

The one benefit of podcasting is when you do a video podcast, then you can repurpose it across every major platform.

But it is a much harder uphill battle to grow and has less organic potential, especially locally.

This is why most agents who are focusing on attracting new clients locally, YouTube can drive way more business than a Podcast- unless you have a massive business client base.

$1M Net from Youtube in 2022

Neither is right nor wrong & both still work in 2023 for growing your business.

Here's my lessons from Ryan Pineda's private content & business day:


  • You need a video podcast because you can turn 1 podcast episode into 4, 8 or 12 short form Instagram Reels/TikToks/Youtube Shorts/Facebook Reels etc. without requiring you to make more content.
  • Your podcast will likely only have 3 GREAT clips, from Ryan Magin (TikTok editor for Alex & Leila Hormozi, Ryan Pineda etc.)
  • There's 3 types of video podcasting:
  • Biz Dev (level 1) - doesn’t get a lot of views, but that’s not the goal. The goal is to build your network.
  • Show Me The Process (level 2) - Single-person shows. Show people the process. Talking about industry topics or things your audience will care about.
  • Thought Leadership (level 3) - Sharing your ideas about the industry that others don’t or may not agree with.
  • 1-3 hours is the fastest growing segment. (just look at Lex Fridman, Tom Bilyeu, All-in Podcast, Andrew Huberman, Tim Ferriss, Joe Rogan, etc.) 10 mins minimum. 30 mins goal.
  • The goal of a Podcast Youtube Channel is not search, it's the suggested feed. This is 70% of all views on YouTube. You want to get your videos suggested on your own videos (ex. similar thumbnails are on purpose because they need to know what to expect)


February Monthly Content Drop

  • Consolidate what you're learning.
  • Reverse engineering what you follow, what you click, what you view and what works on you “steal like artist”
  • The Versus strategy - what 2 things can you put against each other? [City] vs. [City]
  • Mothership strategy - Repurposing your YouTube videos into TikToks, Twitter Threads, Single Posts, Carousels, Blog Articles, Emails, etc.
  • Video length - as short as possible, as long as necessary
  • How many videos - how many quality content you can be consistent with over a long enough time. If you can’t do it for 3 years, why do it now?
  • Prioritize user experience - ex. Time stamps/chapters are essential (9-60min videos)
  • The only 2 metrics that matter - Packaging (Click through rate) and Presentation (Average View Duration)
  • Titles - Start longer for SEO and build a foundation. Then move towards shorter titles later.
  • Thumbnails - Just Show Your Head, Not the Full Body. Use only 3 elements (1. face, 2. text, then 1 more -> ex. look at Netflix thumbnails)
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Breaking and Building Leaders

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Breaking and Builder Leaders is the podcast I'm launching this Spring and have been working on behind the scenes.

If you enjoy hearing stories, and lessons from leaders in the real estate industry then this show is for you.

I have a handful of people already lined up:

  • Amit Bhuta, top luxury agent in Miami
  • Ken Pozek, top team at REAL
  • Ben Moss, Compass' Sports & Entertainment Director
  • Veronica Figueroa, the #1 team at eXp

And many more people I'm excited to share their stories & lessons as leaders.

I believe every person can be a leader.

Empower. Inspire. Lead.

You can subscribe to stay notified when the first episode goes live.

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Leaders Worth Following

Stories Worth Learning

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That's it for today! See you next week!

If you have any questions then reply & let me know so I can make sure that I'm not just making stuff out of my head, but answering the questions you care about!

Let's have an amazing week!

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Andrew Bayon

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🧱 An Unfiltered Conversation with NY's #1 Mortgage Lender (Top 10 in US) | Brian Scott Cohen

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Meet Brian Scott Cohen. This is an unfiltered conversation with Brian Scott Cohen, NY's #1 mortgage lender, top 10 in the US, and the most reachable mortgage lender in NY with over $6 billion in loans & 9,000 homeowners served.

In this conversation, we discuss:

  • 00:00 - intro
  • 02:15 - his story after 19 years
  • 07:34 - 19,000+ TikTok followers: embracing digital
  • 10:25 - overcoming tough markets
  • 16:54 - high volume but high touch
  • 22:55 - work life integration as a high performer
  • 25:38 - over prioritizing communication
  • 32:08 - becoming the knowledge broker
  • 34:36 - meeting & working with Ryan Serhant for 15 years
  • 40:25 - Brian's secrets for long lasting relationships
  • 46:23 - educating & expanding into new markets
  • 57:06 - world class leadership
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Breaking and Building Leaders

Andrew is the Tim Ferriss of Real Estate