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🧱 March Monthly Content Drop, How Serhant Finds Luxury Clients on TikTok, TikTok for Local & more!

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🗓️ March Monthly Content Drop


Why did I start this in January? I wanted to give you something that most people would sell to you but instead give it completely complimentary to the industry. The goal was to simplify execution by providing something practical & useful for everyone in the industry (from new agents, experienced agents, team leaders, and brokers could use or pass to their team). And honestly, I know 98-99% of people won't execute on this and that's okay. This is for the 1-2% who will and will benefit from it.

This is what's included in this month's content drop:

  • 8x - Short Form Reel Ideas* (2 per week) with the hook, hook part 2 to keep them watching, and the bullet points on what to say.
  • *often, the first 4 educational videos could be used as YouTube videos as well. Plus they include examples of how to start the videos.
  • 4x - Long Form Video Ideas (1 per week) with a quick guide on how to use ChatGPT (AI) to write your script for you if you want.
  • 4x - Emails to Send (1+ per week) with either copy & paste templates and exactly how to execute A+ newsletters unlike most people in the industry.
  • Bonuses: Digital Prospecting Checklists to help you maximize social, Content Training Resources and 150+ Hook Library to steal for inspiration & ideas.

16+ pieces of content. And if you turn the long form into short-form videos then that's a minimum of 4+ more pieces of content. Plus if you use all of the short-form videos for YouTube Shorts, TikTok, Instagram Reels, Facebook Reels, and Linkedin then that's 60+ pieces of content a month.

If you had big goals for 2023, now time to execute.

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💰 Wealthy Individuals Aren't On TikTok... Serhant Proves This Wrong

Serhant agent, Andy Klaric, mentioned how he was late to the Business of Influence podcast episode (cohosts with Ryan Serhant) because he was showing a penthouse in Manhattan to a mysterious wealthy client that found him on TikTok.

It's easy for us to say, "my client isn't on _insert platform_." And to be honest, they probably aren't on Snapchat or BeReal. Or even if they are the platform still may not be worth the time or effort because it doesn't have the same payoff long term as something like YouTube or Google.

However, there's undeniable data showing TikTok is a platform to consider:

  • Average user spends 95 minutes per day on TikTok
  • Users spend 19.6 hours on TikTok per month
  • 53% of users are above the age of 30
  • TikTok's engagement rate is 700% higher than 2nd place (Instagram) at 4.25% vs 0.6%
  • 55% of TikTok users have bought something after seeing the brand on the app
  • TikTok rivals YouTube for time spent which = more time on brand. More time = more trust = more willingness to buy.

TikTok is becoming the search engine for today's & tomorrow's generations.

40 percent of Generation Z respondents to a Google survey this year said they had opened TikTok or Instagram, not Google, when searching for nearby lunch spots. (One tweet in June, “I don’t Google anymore I TikTok,” has been ‘liked’ 120,000 times.)

Wall Street Journal

I don't know about you, but I choose business media > consumption media. It's why I train my algorithm to only show me what I will benefit from.

So how is Andy Klaric with Serhant succeeding on TikTok? He creates TikTok first content. He's personable and relatable. And his TikTok's real and raw.

  • The first 3 seconds: He either shows his face in the beginning or creates TikTok native hooks. Meaning he grabs your attention using text or talking + beginning scenes.
  • Fast pacing and dynamic. He switches the scene very 1-2 seconds.
  • He shows his personality. He's not afraid to be a little quirky.
  • High quality iPhone video mixed with professional video.
  • Short videos: most videos are under 10-15 seconds. Only some go as long as 30 seconds. And only a few videos are as long as 60 seconds.

And he's not the only Serhant agent, there are countless who are leveraging TikTok. Even Ryan has mentioned how he's sold ultra-luxury homes because the kids sent the videos to the parents.

Even though TikTok is having the 2014 to 2020 Instagram decline and engagement is not like it used to be in 2020 on TikTok, it's still better engagement than every other social platform.

If anything, why not repurpose content from other platforms on TikTok?

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🍔 How a Vegas TikTok Food Critic Changes Small Businesses Lives

Keith Lee is a TikTok sensation who has collaborated with Mr. Beast, gained over 10 million followers, and brought national attention to his local market in Vegas by creating engaging, yet real food reviews.

As a retired MMA fighter during the pandemic, Keith needed to find a sustainable way to support his family and new kids without relying on his body. So he turned to TikTok and found his love for food and helping small businesses.

His TikTok videos have the power to change small businesses' lives. Within 24 hours these restaurants go from struggling to selling thousands even though the businesses are only in a local market like Vegas. But how?

1. Keith Lee managed to bring YouTube to TikTok.

On an app where attention spans are shorter than a goldfish, Keith creates 1 to 5-minute videos consistently.

And they're not even fast-paced, but they're highly engaging and keep you watching until the end of the video.

2. His rating is the payoff at the end of the video.

A great video idea is essential, but the payoff from watching the video is why people continue watching until the end. His videos end exactly where they should, with the final rating and he adds a little fun & flair with side comments. Almost like the blooper reels of movies.

As a viewer, we want to hear his final verdict which is why we continue watching. He's also honest with the ratings and the ratings are a point of controversy. Without his opinion and rating, the videos would not succeed.

💡 I've recommended this in prior newsletters saying Realtors can rank/rate/review/grade neighborhoods, builders, or communities. People want to hear your honest opinion.

3. He amasses local success by leveraging the interest-based algorithm.

What is the one single common thread throughout every video? Food. He likes food and so do millions of people. So this common thread, interest, allows for others to watch the video even though they may not be in his local market.

This is essential because 95% of the people who watch our videos won't be local but when you reach 10,000, 100,000, or a million people, then you will reach your local audience. But we can't achieve that if we can't get past the first 100 or 1,000 people watching the video.

4. His video style is consistent.

I scrolled all the way down to find out how his TikTok channel evolved over time, so you didn't have to, and what I discovered didn't surprise me.

He didn't start off with massive success as I mentioned with Ken Pozek. He kept creating videos and kept trying new things. However, he did always have food as a theme.

  • First it was him showing his recipes and cooking.
  • Then it evolved to fulfilling his wife, Ronni's pregnancy cravings.
  • And then it evolved into giving reviews of local restaurants.

He's been creating videos since 2020 so he understands TikTok.

5. His videos aren't fast, but they're TikTok native & authentic.

In a world where we think we need to be fast-paced to keep people's attention, Keith flips that on its head.

Instead, he understands pacing in his videos where he knows how to deliver his message, when to zoom, when to change up the scene, and add variation in the video.

The video feels basic because he sits in a chair against a wall, but it's native to TikTok and utilizes TikTok text and editing features. It's authentic to him.

6. The Power of Collaboration

Over time he garnered enough attention to begin collaborating with others. The most notable was his collaboration with Mr. Beast which helped him gain 4.5M followers & connected him with Mr. Beast.

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🎙️ x 🎥 Stories Worth Learning:

  • The Great CEO Within with Tim Ferriss (podcast but a great book) - Matt Mochary, has coached the leaders (CEOs/Founders) of Angelist, Brex, Coinbase, Canva, Sequoia, Grammarly, Attentive Mobile, Flexport, Plaid, Sam Altman (OpenAI aka ChatGPT), Opensea, Clearbit, Notion, Rippling, Bolt, Opendoor, Reddit, Tim Ferriss, and many others. This episode is on Anger, Fear, Decision Making, Accountability, Firing, Meetings, and more. Plus this is a must-read document.
  • Becoming the Celebrity Agent with Byron Lazine, Jason Pantana & Tom Ferry on what's hot & what's not in social media in 2023.

🐦 Leaders Worth Following:

  • The Editing Podcast: for your creative team or editors these are 2 of the best video editors who've done work with Mr. Beast, Logan Paul, Taylor Swift, Justin Bieber, Post Malone, Google, Nike, and Facebook.

📝 In Case You Missed It:

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That's it for today! See you next week!

If you have any questions then reply & let me know so I can make sure that I'm not just making stuff out of my head, but answering the questions you care about!

Let's have an amazing week!

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Andrew Bayon

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🧱 An Unfiltered Conversation with NY's #1 Mortgage Lender (Top 10 in US) | Brian Scott Cohen

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Meet Brian Scott Cohen. This is an unfiltered conversation with Brian Scott Cohen, NY's #1 mortgage lender, top 10 in the US, and the most reachable mortgage lender in NY with over $6 billion in loans & 9,000 homeowners served.

In this conversation, we discuss:

  • 00:00 - intro
  • 02:15 - his story after 19 years
  • 07:34 - 19,000+ TikTok followers: embracing digital
  • 10:25 - overcoming tough markets
  • 16:54 - high volume but high touch
  • 22:55 - work life integration as a high performer
  • 25:38 - over prioritizing communication
  • 32:08 - becoming the knowledge broker
  • 34:36 - meeting & working with Ryan Serhant for 15 years
  • 40:25 - Brian's secrets for long lasting relationships
  • 46:23 - educating & expanding into new markets
  • 57:06 - world class leadership
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🧱 March Monthly Content Drop, How Serhant Finds Luxury Clients on TikTok, TikTok for Local & more!

Andrew is the Tim Ferriss of Real Estate