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🧱 How do you actually generate buyers & sellers consistently & predictably from YouTube (YouTube algorithm for real estate explained pt. 3)

This YouTube algorithm for real estate deep dive shows you how to actually generate buyer & seller leads from YouTube

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This topic is one most people will probably care more about for YouTube, how do you attract buyers & sellers consistently & predictably? I give a deep dive breakdown into 2 strategies:

  1. One has generated literally $3M+ in GCI in 1 year & 400 leads a month
  2. The second has generated $47M in closed business in only 2-3 years

But also you’ll want to check out my 30 to 90 day client campaign I created that you can swipe & steal to end 2023 strong and build momentum for Q1 2024.

It was designed from proven campaigns, millions of dollar in revenue, battle tested marketing, and from the best throughout the industry (Jimmy Mackin, Neel Dhingra, Tom Ferry + more) plus beyond. (Alex Hormozi, Ryan Pineda, etc.)

I hope you enjoy it!

— Andrew

How Do You Actually Attract Buyers & Sellers Consistently & Predictably From YouTube

The YouTube Algorithm for Real Estate Explained Pt. 3:

Back in 2015, I started making content online, and I was posting nearly every day to “give value.”

Since everyone said, “You need to post every day.”

There was little thought behind it and no true strategy.

But there was even less thought behind how to create a downstream effect like a waterfall that would eventually turn into clients.

This went on for months, and most of my content barely got any traction, and worse, it was crickets.

I found a few people, one was Nicolas Cole, a famous ghostwriter making millions writing for startup founders, C-level executives, Silicon Valley investors, and more.

He was succeeding in what I wanted at a really high level. So I started observing what he (and others) were doing and why.

This was the 2nd major instance in my life where I reverse-engineered so I could model them.

I paid to learn. Books, courses, access, etc.

What I learned was he had a very specific model on Quora:

  1. Storytell - share the information in the form of a story
  2. End with the lesson
  3. But then have a call to action often to what’s called a “lead magnet” (in marketing).

This lead magnet serves as a “content upgrade.”

If you enjoyed the post, you’d end up enjoying getting more content specifically for that same topic.

So in 2018 when I started looking at real estate content, I noticed most were in the same boat I was in 2015.

But then I started looking at some people who were getting business from their social media, and I found some trends.

So here’s what I’ve learned from the past 5 years and what’s worked for people like Ken Pozek who got nearly $3,000,000+ in GCI from his YouTube channel last year, many others like him, and what’s worked for us after producing over 500 YouTube videos a year for several years.

How People like Ken Pozek Predictably Are Attracting Buyers & Sellers from YouTube:

So why do people end up asking Ken (you) to work with them just from watching a few of his (your) YouTube videos? One word, value. But what actually is “value”?

Why do people pay more money for the same thing? Look at Uber Eats, Instacart, and Amazon.

The number one thing these companies provide you as a consumer is they save you time and effort, aka convenience.

You’re willing to pay more money for convenience. Convenience is one of the best business models just look at Apple.

Apple’s entire technology is built around simplicity and convenience, giving you “1,000 songs in your pocket.”

So value is an exchange that most people will pay for convenience. Aka saving them time and effort/energy.

If you can save people hours of driving around town checking out a neighborhood by watching a 10-minute video of you touring a neighborhood, but from the comfort of their home (probably lounging on the couch in lazy clothes), then that is valuable.

Ken Pozek’s million-dollar lead generation strategy comes down to 1 simple line in his script for the past 5 plus years:

“If you're looking to buy or sell a house anywhere in Central Florida downtown or beyond my team and I want to be your real estate resource of choice. Email us at or call the number in the description below."

He strategically sends people to a specific email and phone number so he can track results.

But why do consumers make this trade-off? Value.

After watching Ken for 8 or 16 minutes, Ken did not ask for business once until after he had provided enough value in the video.

Most people make the mistake of asking too early in the video when the consumer is trying to watch the video, and they may not even trust you yet.

Let alone know who you are or even like you.

But by waiting until you’ve provided some value, you can finally ask in return.

Give, give, give, give, ask.

Aka Jab, jab, jab, right hook - Gary Vee.

This is why on huge blogs you see the lead magnets or calls to action at 50% of the way through the article and at the end. Rarely ever near the beginning.

And this tactic is actually tried & true, and Alex Hormozi proved it in his $100M Leads: How to Get Strangers To Want To Buy Your Stuff book.

Television ads, Netflix, social media platforms like Meta (Facebook and Instagram), and other media companies have made billions off this exact strategy.

In the advertising world, this is known as integrated advertising.

This is why when you’re watching football or your favorite television show on TV, Hulu, Netflix, etc. they won’t show you ads except for every 15 minutes.

TV is becoming more frequent because they need the money.

But Alex found it’s a 3.6 to 1 or 4:1 ratio.

So how do you put this into practice? For every 4 minutes of value (entertainment, information, etc) you can ask for 1 minute.

Or 2-3 minutes for 30 seconds.

And it's even better if you can delay it more and longer, because the longer you wait, the larger you’ll build your audience.

This is why social media has an extremely predictable trend, also cataloged by Nicolas Cole, I mentioned earlier, in his best-selling book, The Art and Business of Online Writing: How to Beat the Game of Capturing and Keeping Attention.

The growth of every social media platform follows the same predictable pattern:

Phase 1: New website or platform is invented—early audiences flock.

Phase 2: Website or platform starts gaining traction—early users become “influencers.”

Phase 3: Website or platform is established and begins a decade-long journey to profitability.

Phase 4: Advertising model is launched and user reach starts falling.

Phase 5: Business model is established, reach is throttled, and it’s time to find a new platform.

They build the audience, and then they start building the ad product and integrate ads every 4 to 1 post.

So the Ken Pozek style ending call to action is the 1 simple strategy every real estate agent could model to attract buyers & sellers.

Its brought him millions in income, its what others have used knowingly & unknowingly, and we’ve seen similar work for us for several years.

The $47 million new construction lead strategy.

Now, while getting buyers & sellers who reach out to you asking you to help them purchase or sell their home is great, it can be slightly unpredictable & is long-term. It takes time to really ramp up.

I know what you might be thinking, I said it was predictable, but now I’m saying it isn’t?

You can’t accurately predict when buyers & sellers will email or call you.

While you can guess that by being consistent for 6 or 12 months, you will likely get some in return, but those are only the 9% of people who are transactionally ready now, what about the other 91%?

There’s an extremely strategic reason Costco gives away samples of food in their stores.

You want to do the same.

Most people don’t always return to YouTube, especially in the older compared to the younger demographic.

But surprisingly, YouTube is actually getting “older” since YouTube TV has been increasingly popular over regular TV. Especially cause of football.

So how can you capture people BEFORE they’re ready AND stay in front of them so that when they’re ready, they pop like a popcorn kernel?

The secret lies in the strategy I mentioned earlier: lead magnets or content upgrades.

In Ken’s case, he has an extremely consistent and valuable brand strategy with his Orlando Real, the blogs, and his newsletter.

But for everyone else who isn’t building a “media company that sells real estate” like him what can you use?

I saw this strategy in action from Matt Leicht, a YouTube in Sarasota who focused on new construction and closed over $47 million in new construction leads in the last few years.

New construction is an amazing opportunity because there’s always homes, and you benefit from multiple different audiences with new homes.

Generally speaking, everyone from first-time home buyers to move-up buyers to even downsizers like & want a new home.

This is also a very popular choice for people relocating to a new area.

That’s why new construction is heavy in search (SEO), so you can benefit from the organic traffic demand they already pull in.

So what does Matt do differently? He provides value like Ken, but he leverages the desire of the viewer to know more or get more with a “content upgrade” (lead magnet).

After you’ve watched the video, near the end, he says,

“The reason I don’t share exact prices is because new construction prices change all the time & since I can’t change what I say in a video 3 months or 1 year later, the best way to keep those updated is my {COMMUNITY} price sheet which you can download below in the description.”

And while he has other variations of new construction lead magnets, this is just one example of how he provides extra value giving people what they want in exchange for their email.

Now, the real benefit of doing this is twofold:

  1. He captures their info and can reach out
  2. But more importantly, he gets people who are more in the “research” vs. transactional phase. So he’s reaching the other 91% of people, and he’s staying in front of them longer on a platform EVERYBODY uses nearly daily, email.

While this is lower transactional intent in the short term, this is higher volume for lead generation and allows you to add some predictability & scale behind every video.

If you capture 3-5 leads (people) per video and you’re producing 4 videos a month for 12 months, that’s 144 to 240 new emails every year in your database.

But if you’re capturing 10 to 30 leads, which Matt does often with his, then you could be adding 480 to 1,440 new people into your database every year organically from your content.

This is what I learned from Nicolas Cole from his Quora, blogs, and Twitter posts.

Every post would end with “if you liked this X, then you probably want this Y because it 1, 2, 3 reason,” a content upgrade based on each individual post.

Or if you find a strategy that’s slightly less specific to the video or content but more specific to the audience you want to attract, then you can create the lead magnet less frequently & scale it across more videos (content).

A quick example is a relocation guide.

But an even better more targeted lead magnet is a Tech Relocation Guide to Seattle.

People moving to the area want to know the:

  1. Location - area, neighborhoods, etc. “where’s everything located in relation to where I want to live, work & play?”
  2. Lifestyle - things to do, amenities, schools, etc. “what is it like living here?”
  3. Real Estate - the options for homes, neighborhoods, pricing, etc.

Or you can build it out more in-depth and cover some of the big topics people ask questions about:

  1. Economy
  2. Job Market
  3. Transit/Commute
  4. Weather
  5. Lifestyle
  6. Healthcare
  7. Nightlife
  8. Education
  9. Areas/Neighborhoods
  10. Housing

But the way to think about a lead magnet

Even though eating healthy, exercising, good sleep, etc is a much lower cost. People pay more hundreds & thousands of dollars for GLP1s & Ozempic, as well as other pills to help cure specific problems because of convenience.

It's an old advertising saying, don’t sell vitamins, sell aspirin (painkiller).

Specific solutions to a specific problem for a specific audience, often in a specific way/method.

A complete solution to a narrow or singular problem.

This can be as simple as something that simplifies all the information into an easy to digest visual like a comparison chart comparing different neighborhoods or builders, etc.

1) Choosing a Specific Audience

How to know the audience you want to attract:

  1. First-time home buyers
  2. Downsizers/Empty nesters
  3. Move-up home buyers
  4. Luxury
  5. Vacation/second home
  6. Relocation: job, life change, school, etc.
  7. First-time sellers
  8. International home buyers
  9. Area/neighborhood expert
  10. Distressed sellers: divorce, death, debt, disabled, damage
  11. For sale by owner
  12. Investor
  13. Developer/Builder

2) Choosing a specific problem to solve

  • What is the most-desired end result my prospect is looking for?
  • i.e. how to…
  • How can I educate my prospect by breaking this down into actionable and achievable steps?
  • i.e. showing them….
  • How can I solve step one to offer results in advance?
  • i.e. telling them what….
  • Does this add value but also create a desire for more?
  • i.e. gives them the surface-level information
  • How can I help them achieve their most-desired end result?

Some examples of problems are:

  • There’s not enough homes on the market
  • Mortgage rates are high & homes are less affordable
  • I don’t know how much I can afford
  • I don’t know how much my home’s worth
  • I don’t know which home improvements are worth it
  • I don’t know….

3) Choosing a specific solution

A complete solution to a narrow or singular problem.

  • Reveal a problem: audit, analysis, inspection, test, quiz, case study
  • Free trial: free home prep consultation
  • Step 1 to a multi step problem: example home value is step 1 of selling

4) Choosing a specific way/method

This can come in the form of:

  • PDF Download: Workbook, worksheet, ebook
  • Checklist
  • Comparison Chart
  • Tool: calculator, template, dashboard, template etc.
  • Workshop/seminar/masterclass (training)
  • Quiz, Survey, Etc.
  • Training Video
  • Mini-Course
  • A Coupon Code
  • Free Sample or Trial
  • A Giveaway
  • Free Consultation

Packaging is the gift wrapping and perception of value is often reality.


Ultimate Tech Relocation Guide to Seattle

12 budget-friendly ways to increase your home’s value by 10-20%

5 unique ways to cut your monthly payment by $1,000 & afford a bigger home

How to get access to off-market homes before everyone else

Miami’s new home builders ranked - comparison chart

Tampa’s highest appreciation neighborhood sheet

The lead magnets need to

  1. Make a promise with its solution to…
  2. Solve a specific problem
  3. For a specific audience
  4. And in a specific method/way (can help you separate from everything else out there)

So that’s how you create a valuable lead magnet so you can actually generate more buyers & sellers predictably & consistently from YouTube.

Stay tuned for more deep dives like this!

🧱 From Vietnam Refugee To $1.5B Real Estate Brokerage CEO... Here's How! | Long Doan E17s

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Meet Long Doan, co-owner & CEO of #1 fastest growing and #1 indie RE brokerage in Minnesota with $1.5B in volume, the most admired CEO in MN, and the #6 place to work in MN!

While his success in numbers tell one story, Long’s solo journey from Vietnam to America on a dangerous fishing boat at age 13 is a whole other story. But they're connected.

During in the middle of the Pacific Ocean on "Hell Island", there was 1 switch that changed Long's life trajectory forever.

In this conversation, we discuss:

  • 00:00 - Why 92% of people never achieve their goals
  • 01:53 - How Realty Group closes $1.5 billion per year now & closed 1,000 homes in their first 4 years in real estate
  • 06:22 - How he built a scalable & highly efficient business
  • 10:29 - Why mastering delegation is the way to true productivity
  • 14:07 - Living on an island the size of a football field in a 40,000 people refugee camp to coming to America
  • 19:13 - The 1 shift that changed his life forever
  • 25:25 - Why growth comes from reflection
  • 30:50 - The path to 6-figures & multiple 6 figures in real estate
  • 38:00 - The simple math behind achieving 6-figures
  • 46:29 - their $1.5 billion "secret" to recruiting
  • 54:51 - Scaling recruiting
  • 58:22 - Achieving profitability & adapting to new changes in the industry
  • 1:01:00 - AI in real estate
  • 1:05:00 - Why higher splits isn't the best value proposition, but this is...
  • 1:11:00 - How he's the #6 most admired CEO in MN

🧱 An Unfiltered Conversation How NY's #1 Mortgage Lender Sold $800M/YR | Brian Scott Cohen E16

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This is an unfiltered conversation with Brian Scott Cohen, NY's #1 mortgage lender, top 10 in the US, and the most reachable mortgage lender in NY with over $6 billion in loans & 9,000 homeowners served.

In this conversation, we discuss:

  • 00:00 - intro
  • 02:15 - his story after 19 years
  • 07:34 - 19,000+ TikTok followers: embracing digital
  • 10:25 - overcoming tough markets
  • 16:54 - high volume but high touch
  • 22:55 - work life integration as a high performer
  • 25:38 - over prioritizing communication
  • 32:08 - becoming the knowledge broker
  • 34:36 - meeting & working with Ryan Serhant for 15 years
  • 40:25 - Brian's secrets for long lasting relationships
  • 46:23 - educating & expanding into new markets
  • 57:06 - world class leadership

🧱 An Unfiltered Conversation with NY's #1 Mortgage Lender (Top 10 in US) | Brian Scott Cohen

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Meet Brian Scott Cohen. This is an unfiltered conversation with Brian Scott Cohen, NY's #1 mortgage lender, top 10 in the US, and the most reachable mortgage lender in NY with over $6 billion in loans & 9,000 homeowners served.

In this conversation, we discuss:

  • 00:00 - intro
  • 02:15 - his story after 19 years
  • 07:34 - 19,000+ TikTok followers: embracing digital
  • 10:25 - overcoming tough markets
  • 16:54 - high volume but high touch
  • 22:55 - work life integration as a high performer
  • 25:38 - over prioritizing communication
  • 32:08 - becoming the knowledge broker
  • 34:36 - meeting & working with Ryan Serhant for 15 years
  • 40:25 - Brian's secrets for long lasting relationships
  • 46:23 - educating & expanding into new markets
  • 57:06 - world class leadership
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🧱 How do you actually generate buyers & sellers consistently & predictably from YouTube (YouTube algorithm for real estate explained pt. 3)

Andrew is the Tim Ferriss of Real Estate