600K Tik Tok strategy, $280M Youtube strategy & The multi-million dollar GCI sphere script

Embracing change is positive.

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I was kind of torn about how I wanted to take email the last few months. I decided that most email newsletters just want you to click, buy or start a conversation.

But the ones I follow most are the ones that are inherently valuable to open without clicking. So that's how this came about! Giving away real marketing insights, news, and strategies that actually work, from some of the best in the real estindustry.

This is how I came up with the 3 main topics:

  • 🔥 What's Working vs What's Not Working in Marketing 🥶:
  • Breaking down the 600K follower Tik Tok strategy of a $50M luxury agent
  • The Instagram content strategy that no longer works
  • Analyzing a $280M Youtube strategy (next email)
  • 📝 Inside the Marketing Playbook: Running Plays That Work:
  • Multi-million dollar GCI script to get over the fear of talking to your sphere without being sales-y
  • 🔗 Marketing Resources + News:
  • The industry's best weigh-in on the housing market
  • The secret to billion-dollar content
  • And More

And honestly, there will be no real cadence to this email. Odd I know. I really want this to be valuable so if I can get quality out once a week I will.

But it could be every other week... the main focus is on valuable, actionable content so if you don't want to miss out then make sure to save to VIPs, star, or favorite the email.

Now, let's get into it!

🔥 What’s Working vs. What’s Not Working in Marketing 🥶

We're going into the second half of 2022 and quite likely walking into a recession that could last 6 months to 18+ months. So as a business owner the focus is to invest more in what's working vs. what's not.

And that's why I wanted to break down ways to leverage marketing in 2022 & 2023 that work and stop focusing on what no longer works.

In times like these when many pull back and try to maintain, the legendary businesses of today all rose from the ashes during the worst times... Disney, Apple, Netflix, Uber and so many more.

By developing and growing your personal brand you will build a moat around your business. When you master attraction marketing you attract the right clients and the right team members at scale so you can make a greater impact in business & life.

So let's talk about how we can do that...

🔥 [Short Form Videos: Tik Tok]

Breaking Down the Tik Tok Strategy of a $50M Luxury Agent who Amassed 600k Followers by Ranking Famous Properties 🏡

Scrolling Tik Tok this weekend, I landed on Arvin Haddad's Tik Tok account and was blown away.

It was the best real estate Tik Tok account since Glennda Baker. And once you see his videos and the strategy you'll understand why.

It's no secret that Tik Tok and short-form video is taking over by storm but what's rare is finding a way to weave your business in an engaging way that's not just showing homes and actually helps you build your brand.

Arvin Haddad as done just that and I'll show you exactly how he's doing it.

He built his own framework for ranking celebrity's homes using these ten principles:

*10 factors = up to 100 points (A-F)

  1. Location
  2. Lot Quality
  3. Lot Orientation
  4. Lot Utilization
  5. Privacy
  7. Scale & Architectural Style
  8. Layout
  9. Finishes
  10. The X Factor - Wild Card

But that framework is only the beginning. We could talk about the editing but that's all visually understandable so let's talk about his secret... his communication skills.

  • Hook that Grabs Attention: Celebrity home, piques your curiosity with the rank, and gives you a timeframe saying less than 2-minutes.
  • Then sticker shock to keep attention, and then giving credit to the listing agent.
  • Credibility statement: Who he is, why listen & little personality (his why for the videos)
  • Quick pacing to retain your attention.
  • Let's be honest he's interesting.😂 Humor and being fun will keep viewers engaged longer.
  • Show don't tell. Leveraging content like this shows his expertise. This is the secret to sales, selling without actually selling.
  • And all of this helps sparks conversations naturally in the comments.
  • Using luxury homes & occasionally famous names combined with industry expertise = an interesting concept for valuable content. A+ Quality. Five Stars. 🌟

Instagram is no longer a photo-sharing app. The Head of Instagram Adam Mosseri warned of this last year and now we're seeing it in full force.

If you scroll for a bit you'll probably notice most of your feed is full of videos. Instagram is trying its hardest to beat Tik Tok. And that's why video is the only medium that's getting traction now.

It's actually human nature to avoid change. Homeostasis. We want to remain in balance. But as we all know the world never stays the same, and everything evolves. We can either adapt early and take advantage of it first or be forced to adapt later, and complain that the algorithm... this cycle repeats with every platform. We can break that cycle.

📝 Inside the Marketing Playbook: Running Plays That Work

The multi-million-dollar GCI script to get over the fear of talking to your sphere without being sales-y 💰

📉 You’re 40% less likely to get a meeting when you say...

”Did I catch you at a bad time? Or is now a good time to chat?”

Source: Gong

Versus asking "How've you been? / How are you?" you actually increase your likelihood of booking a meeting by 3.4x 📈

Source: Gong

For more sales + marketing advice backed by data like this, check out Chris Smith's Instagram & Tik Tok accounts.

👂 Everyone wants to be heard. And listened to. So just care. And ask questions. Always dig deeper. 3 to 7 levels deep. Tell me more... Why?

We have to remember, that at the end of each email or phone number is a human being. Not just a lead or prospect.


  • “How’ve you been? / How are you? / How’s everything going?"


  • "I just saw X on your Y"... I just saw you took a trip with the kids for the 4th, how was it?

📝 5 examples of value-based questions:

*From a $200M agent Byron Lazine

  1. What can I do for you?
  2. What do you need right now?
  3. How can I be there for you in this community? (What are you working on or passionate about right now?)
  4. What are you seeing/thinking of this economy/market?
  5. Is there anything that I could do to help you?

Always dig deep, don't just stop with 1 yes or the surface level answer.

And that's how you have conversations with friends without coming off sales-y but with a purpose.

I can’t take credit for all of this, it was built together on a call with another $75M agent. I just helped put the pieces together.

🔗 Marketing Resources + News

Deep dive on how to talk about the housing market without being boring or sounding like everybody else.

The secrets to making billion dollar content.

3 highest-performing types of videos on Youtube

This is crazy… nearly half of Gen-Z are using Tik Tok & Instagram for search NOT Google.

Adults spend an average of 41.9 minutes daily on Youtube. 5 trends in 2022 (behind a paywall): Short-form content will rule the roost. Live videos will continue to gain popularity. Well-structured videos will win. Shopping on YouTube is a reality. Community relationships will matter more.

Reply & let me know more of your questions so I can make sure that I'm not just making stuff out of my head, but answering the questions you actually want.

- Andrew

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Want to book a discovery call? Go here.

P.S. We're hiring a Client Success Manager, if you know of anyone who may be a good fit let me know!

🧱 An Unfiltered Conversation with NY's #1 Mortgage Lender (Top 10 in US) | Brian Scott Cohen

Watch Now

Meet Brian Scott Cohen. This is an unfiltered conversation with Brian Scott Cohen, NY's #1 mortgage lender, top 10 in the US, and the most reachable mortgage lender in NY with over $6 billion in loans & 9,000 homeowners served.

In this conversation, we discuss:

  • 00:00 - intro
  • 02:15 - his story after 19 years
  • 07:34 - 19,000+ TikTok followers: embracing digital
  • 10:25 - overcoming tough markets
  • 16:54 - high volume but high touch
  • 22:55 - work life integration as a high performer
  • 25:38 - over prioritizing communication
  • 32:08 - becoming the knowledge broker
  • 34:36 - meeting & working with Ryan Serhant for 15 years
  • 40:25 - Brian's secrets for long lasting relationships
  • 46:23 - educating & expanding into new markets
  • 57:06 - world class leadership
Watch Now
600K Tik Tok strategy, $280M Youtube strategy & The multi-million dollar GCI sphere script

Andrew is the Tim Ferriss of Real Estate